Kamis, 26 Februari 2015


By: Riskaninda Maharani

The shadow of face comes again
Reflecting in my eyes
Stopping  in the bottom of my heart
Bothering my calmness
And disturbing my long nights

The smile comes again
Appearing on my mind
Bringing down the defense of my heart
Breaking my heart
And living in my dream

The face that I never see
But it exists
The smile that I never look at
But it is real

I do want to make a wish
Between his photos
That I have put them tidily
On the table of my room

I do want to reach a feeling
Betweeen a pile of his poems
Piling up tidily
As my collection
Will the shadow of face be a reality?
When will the smile exist?
Although I know that I can’t make a relationship
With a shining star

Image by: www.googleimage.co.id.

Translated to English in Dili, East Timor, September 2nd 2010.

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