By: Riskaninda Maharani
The darkness of the night makes me wake up
I remember once upon a time
It’s a memory five years ago
When you asked me with your italian accent
At the station of my city
In that moment the sunshines still covered my
You told me
About one thousand and one beauties of your
And you promised me
That one day we would see them together
We would look at the sun that shines
From the roof of your apartment in Milan
We would feel the warmth of the sunshines in
the morning
At “Piazza di Spagna”
And you also promised me
About one night that full of happiness in
This memory has gone
But there’s no day without remembering you
Catching your smile
That has lost now
I just know them about you
That’s all that I remember about you
I forgot to ask you
“What your name is”
When the twilight changed the day in Malang
I also forgot to ask you,
“Where you live at”
When I saw your dark blue eyes
So, “Where should I look for you?”
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Translated to English in Dili, East Timor, July 26th 2010.
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